Bachelor thesis

Standard terms for defence of thesis are June, September, turn of January and February.

Do not forget that the term for Assignment submission/uploading is 3 months before the scheduled Defence.

The submission of Bachelor’s theses for the June 2025 defense date is scheduled for May 16, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM in room NB 310 The final theses must be submitted in two copies, along with a handwritten signed declaration of originality, and now also with the Thesis Assignment (BP) document containing electronic signatures of all participants. The copies of the thesis can be in spiral binding.

The Department of Economics will assign the specific date and time for the defense and will not be subject to change.

Before submitting the theses to the department’s office, the thesis must be uploaded to the InSIS system – in the “Final Thesis” section, and also to the appropriate submission portal for Bachelor’s theses (BP) under the course EK07/5OBP (for students who started their studies in WS 2023/2024 and late) in InSIS, meaning it needs to be submitted in both places.

Late submissions will not be accepted.

Bachelor seminar

The Bachelor thesis topic has to be registered in InSIS at least 3 months before the defense.

Students who started their studies in the Winter semester 2023/2024 and later have to have the Bachelor seminar 5EN710 registered in the semester they are submitting and defending their thesis.

Mandatory procedure from topic selection to Defence:

– Each of you must write and defend a final thesis in order to successfully complete your studies. Standard terms for the defence of the thesis are June, Septemberturn of January and February. Your procedure will, therefore, be as follows:

– On the website, you will find a list of proposed topics that our teachers have listed for you, within which you will profile your work. Please pay attention only to the department’s teachers that guarantee the program you are studying.

– Choose your thesis topics in advance; the capacity of individual supervisors is limited (due to the time-consuming nature of conducting final theses).

– If you like the topic and its characteristics after viewing the details, contact the relevant teacher and agree on a specific work assignment within the selected topic.

– You can also specify your topic after defining its wording (in person or by e-mail) with a selected member of the department who will guide you. When choosing a supervisor for your work, we recommend that you consider especially the professional orientation of the pedagogue in relation to your chosen work topic. The topics that pedagogues generally deal with are usually listed on the website of the given department. (What you see with each teacher are mostly thematic areas – the topic of your work is, of course, already much more specific. Try to think about them in advance and go to the chosen teacher with a more precise idea.) ATTENTION: When proposing your topic, please do not use the ” Suggest a topic” button; instead, contact the relevant educator directly.

– The process of finding a good topic (=the basis of success) is described in more detail in the Methodological guidelines for writing theses at the Faculty of Economics and Business. You will fine-tune a specific “job assignment” with the selected supervisor. This assignment contains several items:

  1.  The aim of the work
  2.   The importance, relevance or expected contribution of the chosen topic
  3.   Characteristics of the theoretical part of the work
  4.   Characteristics of the practical part of the work
  5.   Keywords
  6.   List of professional literature

– Send the final version of the assignment to the supervisor electronically. He creates the assignment in InSIS and then either fills it in himself or entrusts the editing of the student’s assignment. After its finalization, the assignment is first approved by the student, then the thesis supervisor, then the department head and then the study program guarantor. The moment the assignment is electronically approved by all the above mentioned persons, it is confirmed that you will be able to defend the thesis on the given topic. (Until then, it was only between you and the chosen pedagogue; from this moment, it is already official.)

– The “Final Thesis” icon will begin to appear on the Student Portal from the moment the supervisor enters the assignment. When you click on it and then click on “View Assignment”, you will see, among other things, the earliest possible date for your defense. This is very important! It is valid that you can defend the thesis no earlier than three months after its assignment. At the same time, the departments can set a longer period from the assignment of the qualifying thesis to the planned date of the defense. Therefore, be careful not to choose the topic of the diploma thesis too late and then not have to prolong your studies due to waiting for the defense of the thesis.

– Before you start writing the paper, ensure once again that you have studied all the instructions in the Methodology-for-writing-theses 2024 at NF VŠE in Prague – they are binding on you.

– Final theses defenses always take place during the exam period. But since an opponent’s evaluation must still be written on your thesis after it has been submitted, there are deadlines for the entire faculty by which you must submit the thesis at the latest, so that the defense can be completed in the relevant period. You can find these dates on the department’s website.In order to be able to defend at all, you must have registered the relevant subject of the defense. In the “Student Portal” click on “Extra-semester courses” and enter the subject “Bachelor thesis defense”, or “Thesis defense”. Attention, without this event you will not be able to be included in the defense date!


Please learn Methodology well, where you can find all the important information and terms for your thesis writing!

Methodology-for-writing-theses 2024

As students of the ECONOMICS program, you are primarily asked to focus on topics from this discipline. You can choose from the supervisors and the general topics below, or you can find actual teacher’s topics listed in INSIS.

Ing. Pavel Potužák, Ph.D.

What caused the last financial crisis? Saving glut or monetary glut?

The ethics of fractional reserves

Can the nominal interest rate be negative?

Can the real interest rate be negative?

The new monetarism

100-percent vs. fractional reserves

“Current” financial crisis

Friedman’s rule of optimal growth rate of money supply

Is Taylor’s rule operable?

What is wrong with deflation?

Will there be hyperinflation in the USA?

Ramsey tax

Is the money multiplier stable?

Ing. Lukáš Máslo, Ph.D.

Explanation vs. prediction: a role of assumptions in economics

Positive vs. normative economics: should economics be value-free?

Economic anthropology: do the notions of economic theory keep their respective meanings throughout time?

A just price: a myth or reality?

Usury: A Case Against Justice

Nominal Deflation: what would an economy with a fixed money supply look like?

Catholic social teaching: theory of distributism and its relevance for economics

Socio-economic changes in the Russian society during the last century of the Romanov dynasty

Ing. Klára Čermáková, Ph.D.

Convergence and inequality – do economies converge?

Ing. Martin Slaný, Ph.D.

Labor market rigidities and unemployment,

Economic policy in Great recession,

Alternative monetary policy regimes,

Monetary theory in modern heterodox economics,

(Macro)economic analysis of EU funds,

Shadow economy analysis.

Ing. Barbora Růžičková, Ph.D.

Waste (plastics) regulation at the supranational level

International organizations

Sustainable development

Ing. Josef Klement, Ph.D.

Ing. et Ing. Martin Zeman, Ph.D.

Ing. Mgr. Štěpán Pekárek, Ph.D.

Ing. Lucia Bartůsková, Ph.D.

Ing. Zdenka Johnson, Ph.D.

prof. PhDr. Martin Kovář, Ph.D.


If you do not choose any of the teachers above, please note that your supervisor must be primarily from the Faculty of Economics!