General Information

The essential dates of the academic calendar (such as semester starting and ending dates) are common for the whole university. An academic year starts on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following calendar year.

It is divided into two semesters, traditionally called

  • Winter Semester (WS, in Czech: zimní semestr/ZS; in some texts also referred to as Fall/Autumn/First semester), and
  • Summer Semester (SS, in Czech: letní semestr/LS; in some texts also referred to as Spring/Second semester).

Each semester consists of 13 weeks of lecture period, followed by a 6-week exam period.

  • WS classes usually start in mid-September and end before Christmas.
  • SS classes usually start in mid-February and end in mid-May.

July and August are considered as summer holiday period.

Classes and exams are usually held from Monday to Friday; some may take place on Saturdays (intensive courses, executive education, courses for part-time students/students in combined form of study).