State exam topics
This document provides more specific information about the Major Field State Exam in Economics program than the syllabus in ISIS.
Structure of the exam and its assessment:
Oral part: The students can acquire up to 50 pts by answering a randomly chosen question from the below-stated fields. The oral part takes 15-30 minutes. Problems can be discussed within the framework of the history of economic thought. The standard grading applies.
Basic macroeconomic aggregates and their interdependencies
Macroeconomic aggregates, domestic product and its measurement, national savings and national investments.
Theory of consumption
Keynesian consumption function, Fisher model of Inter-temporal Choice, Life-Cycle Hypothesis, Permanent Income Hypothesis, Random walk hypothesis, liquidity constraint.
Theory of investment
Demand for capital, the law of motion of the capital, investment function, inventories, residential investment, Tobin´s q.
Neoclassical model and public finances
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the neoclassical model, loanable funds market, fiscal policy in the neoclassical model and crowding-out effect, Ricardian equivalence.
Open economy
External Balance, balance of payments, neoclassical model of open economy, loanable funds market and net export of capital, real and nominal exchange rate, purchasing power parity theory, net export, fixed exchange rate regime.
Money and inflation
the nature and function of money, money supply, money creation and basic monetary tools of central bank, money demand, money market equilibrium, inflation, nominal interest rate and Fisher’s effect, Quantitative Theory of Money, neutrality of money; inflation, its measurement, causes and main anti-inflationary policies.
Demand for labour, the natural rate of unemployment and its components, job finding rate, job separation rate, reasons for wage rigidities, and efficiency wages.
Economic Growth
Aggregate production function, its assumptions and features, Solow model, accumulation of capital and steady state, the golden rule of capital accumulation, population growth, exogenous technological progress, endogenous growth theory, institutions and their impact on economic growth.
Aggregate Demand in closed economy and IS-LM model
the IS curve, product market equilibrium and Keynesian cross, LM curve and money market equilibrium, theory of liquidity preference, IS-LM model, government and its aggregate demand stimulation; multiplication effect and crowding-out effect; monetary stimulation of aggregate demand, real money balances effect, aggregate demand
Aggregate Demand in an Open Economy and Mundell-Fleming Model
Product market equilibrium and IS* curve, money market equilibrium and LM*, model IS*-LM*, fiscal and monetary stimulation under floating and fixed exchange rate regime, aggregate demand curve in an open economy, exchange rate in a short run, interest rate parity, the relationship between interest rate parity and purchasing power parity
Aggregate Supply and theory of real business cycle
Potential product and classical aggregate supply, RBC and inter-temporal substitution of labour, explanation of upward-sloping AS, imperfect price information, sticky wages, sticky prices and New Keynesian economics.
AS-AD model, Phillips curve and monetary policy
AS-AD model -change of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, monetary cycles. Phillips Curve, Okun´s Law, demand-pull inflation; inflation expectations, inflation inertia, cost-push inflation. Monetary policy: goals and tools, central bank independence, activist monetary policy, rules vs. discretion in monetary policy, rational expectations and policy ineffectiveness, disinflationary policy and the sacrifice ratio, Golden Rule of money supply, the Taylor rule, inflation targeting.
The Subject and Method of Economics
The subject of economic science; Gary Becker’s “economic imperialism”; testing of economic theories (testing the assumptions versus testing the predictions); homo economicus; basic economic assumptions; positive and normative economics.
Theory of (Consumer) Choice
Cardinal and ordinal approach to utility; indifference analysis (goods, bads and neutrals; perfect substitutes, perfect complements, etc.); budget constraint; utility maximization.
Demand function; demand curve; Engel curve; normal and inferior goods; substitution and income effect; Giffen paradox and Giffen good; complements and substitutes; individual and market demand; price, cross-price and income elasticity; changes in demand and changes in quantity demanded.
Production function; Short-run production function and the law of diminishing returns; long-run production function and returns to scale; technical substitution.
Economic and accounting costs; opportunity costs; sunk costs; cost minimization; optimum production technique; long run: returns to scale in the context of the cost curves; short run: fixed and variable costs; changes in costs.
Perfect Competition and Firm’s Supply
Aims of a firm; assumptions behind the model of perfect competition; firm’s short-run decision-making in perfect competition; individual firm’s supply curve in the short and long run; individual and market supply; long-run equilibrium of an industry.
Market Equilibrium
Market equilibrium and market price; prices and optimum allocation of scarce resources; changes in market equilibrium; arbitrage; law of one price; consumer and producer surplus; subsidies; taxation; price floor and price ceiling.
Barriers to entry; administrative and natural monopoly; price-maker; marginal and average revenue of a monopoly; monopoly profit; inefficiency of a monopoly; regulation of a monopoly; price discrimination.
Imperfect Competition
Strategic behaviour; Nash equilibrium; Bertrand oligopoly; Cournot oligopoly; Stackleberg oligopoly; collusion; monopolistic competition.
Labor Market
Demand for labour; supply of labour; transfer payment and economic rent; compensating wage differentials; monopsony; bilateral monopoly.
Capital and Time
Capital and investment; supply of loanable funds; demand for loanable funds; present and future value; intertemporal choice.
Externalities and Public Goods
Positive and negative externality; private and social costs and benefits; property rights; Coase theorem; transaction costs; Pigovian tax; public goods; tragedy of commons.
Asymmetric Information
Principal-agent model; moral hazard; incentives; adverse selection; signalling.