Bachelor Thesis Submission 📔 – DECEMBER 13, 2024

The submission of Bachelor’s theses for the February 2025 defense date is scheduled for December 13, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM in room NB 310. The final theses must be submitted in two copies, along with a handwritten signed declaration of originality, and now also with the Thesis Assignment (BP) document containing electronic signatures of all participants. The copies of the thesis can be in spiral binding.

The planned defense dates are provisionally set for February 6, 2025. The Department of Economics will assign the specific time and will not be subject to change.

Before submitting the theses to the department’s office, the thesis must be uploaded to the InSIS system – in the “Final Thesis” section, and also to the appropriate submission portal for Bachelor’s theses (BP) under the course EK07 in InSIS, meaning it needs to be submitted in both places. The submission portals are now open to upload your work.

Late submissions will not be accepted.